Let's get this project off the ground...

and create something amazing together!

An invitation to participate in a shared project

The project was inspired by all the wonderful Animal Trading Cards from the resourceful students at Udacity Google Developer Challenge. How amazing would it be, if we could see them all in one place!

I would love all of you get involved. Simplest way to contribute is to submit your card and have it displayed on the home page. If you would like to contribute some ideas, all the better.

For those who are dying to put their fresh javaScript skills to test - it would be soo fab to add some cool features. It’s a team effort!

To get things started, let me know about your ideas and what you’d like to do.

Ways to contribute

Post your Animal Card
  • Submit your card for review
  • Post a link to your code
  • Wait for further instructions
Tell about your ideas
  • What features would you like?
  • What could be improved?
  • so on and so forth...
Team up and code