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Where is my home?

Image of a Stray Dog

In the last 5 years, at the least 51,200 stray dogs were captured in Romania, with more than half of them being euthanized.1

  • Who we are: www.facebook.com/asociatiapentruprotectiaanimalelorineu
  • Woof: Association for Animal Protection Ineu
  • Where we are: Ineu, Arad county, Romania
  • Number of souls: 150 dogs

Dear Animal Friends!

We are AAPI, a small group of animal rights activists in Ineu (Arad county) in the western part of Romania. Our mission is to help the offended dogs in our area by taking them to our small animal shelter, feed them, give them water, as well as veterinary care. Then we look for love families to adopt our proteges and offer them a home where they are loved.

We come to our borders every day. It lacks, as everywhere, money for food and veterinary costs. Since we do not receive financial support from the state, we are dependent on donations from animal friends to ensure the supply of the dogs at our shelter. Our kennel accommodate 150 dogs and we need approx. 70 kg of dry food per day. Every dog has to be vaccinated, dewormed, escaped and castrated, and of course it costs. Puppies are not yet castrated.

We would like to invite everyone who is able to donate $1.00 for the dogs of the animal house Ineu. Many people together can have a big impact. The funds are used 100% for the dogs, as we help the animals voluntarily and free of charge beside our job. If you are interested and would like to help our dogs, you can donate via PayPal to asociatiaapai@yahoo.com.2

We would like to sincerely thank all donors!

The team of AAPI

1 Free-ranging urban dogs by country

2 APAI (Asociatia pentru Protectia Animalelor Ineu) is the original association name, in romanian language, this is why this is the right email format

DISCLAIMER: I am not affiliated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by AAPI (Association for Animal Protection Ineu) or any of their affiliates or subsidiaries.